PT. Electrindo Tehnika Prima

Pt. Electrindo Tehnika Prima Is A Company Which Produces Furnaces With The Complete Elements. The Products Consist Of : Kanthal Furnace Product Kanthal Wire & Kanthal Strip, Fibrothal, Silicone Carbide, Silicone Nitride, Metallic Element And Ceramic Tube. Electric Heating Technology Tubular Heater, Catridge Heater, Finned Heater, Immersion Heater, Infrapara, Infrared, Instrument Controller, Quartz, And Chemical Heater Instrument And Control Digital And Analog Cable And Also Thermocouple Type : J, K, S, R, B, Pt 100 Ω, N, Etc. Melting And Holding Melting And Holding Alumunium With Gas, Diesel And Kerosene Furnace Is For Necessity Of Heat Treatment, Tempering, Hardening, Melting Alumunium, Holding, Alumunium, Annealing, Tempered Glass, Banding Glass, Kilns, Ceramic, Reserch And Laboratory. We Also Give Manual Book Of The Product Made. Our Furnace's Elements Are Import From Sweden-Germany, Australia, Japan And Spain. Our Furnaces Are Standard Of Germany.

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